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Collaborative working in a globalized world


Creating written texts is an important way of communication in all aspects of our everyday life. Especially in combination with the Internet, that enables us to send them to every other part of the world. So in that respect, our writing can go all over the world and thus helps us to communicate globally. What makes communication with the aid of written material so comfortable is also the fact that people can read it anytime. In comparison to phone calls, for example, that is much easier. Phone calls can be very complicated in some respects.


First of all, there is the risk that your opposite cannot understand you. The reasons for that can be very complex and of various nature. For example, the connection can be poor, or it is hard for you to understand the frequency of your opposite's voice.


Secondly, there is the problem of various time zones. As mentioned before, people all over the world communicate with each other due to their jobs, which are influenced greatly by globalization. A common problem in this respect is the fact that we have many different time zones around the world. Therefore, we have a time shift between the various regions. Many of us should already have experienced that change when we have flown to another area for spending holidays there. That same difference concerning time is also the reason for many complications when it comes to discussions or business talks between parties from different countries, sometimes even from different continents. For example, when it is morning in Europe, then it is an evening in Australia. So you cannot call your business partner in Australie in the afternoon because he is very likely asleep at that time. Therefore, writing an email often is the better option because you won't reach them in another way. The same goes for you, of course. When your Australian partner wants to contact you in the afternoon, then you are likely to be fast asleep in your bed, as well. So that is another reason why writing is a better option here.


But we also have to mention that writing a text can also have numerous disadvantages.


The primary drawback is that it takes a lot more time than just speaking to your colleagues. So you will need to invest more time to say the same things as you would by just speaking them out. Also, there is the problem of correct spelling and grammar because every mistake is visible to the reader of your letters or emails or any other sort of text you produce. In some situations, this can be very embarrassing for you, especially when you think about the fact that no one is perfect, although many people in the working world expect you to be. So writing will take even more time because you carefully want to check what you have just written. So you might see that there are also many problems linked to writing something.


There is, after all, a little help for you when it comes to that. The Trint company has invented a program that provides audio transcriptions. But what is that at all? Audio means that you work with information related to sound. Transcription means that you translate data from one channel to another. In our example, you can link it to the spoken content of your message, which you record on the computer. Once you have finished your speech file, you can insert it into the program, and it will immediately start "translating" it into text, saving you the time you would need for writing it all down. That is not only extremely useful, but it also enables you to produce more content in shorter time. The audio transcription program by Trint also comes in many different world languages, such as British, American and Australian English, German, French, Spanish and even Hungarian. It is also very likely that more languages are to come in the future because it is such a practical tool for all your everyday needs on spoken and written communication. Why should you neglect such a perfect opportunity to make your life easier?

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